Run a local promotion

Drive local change by promoting safe drinking culture at events near you.
Some tips for your promotion:
- Events and other promotions work best when they are part of a wider range of strategies discouraging heavy drinking and reducing alcohol harm.
- Make sure your promotion is aligned to how the event is going to be run. For example, if alcohol is going to be sold at the event, check that the event organisers have an alcohol management plan, that they have considered how they will ensure no one gets intoxicated and how they will manage the situation if someone does get intoxicated. You could also check that they have plans to ensure young people are well looked after (especially those under the age of 18).
- Encourage the organisers to be clear before the event about what is and isn’t acceptable behaviour on the day. It may be worthwhile to get others to promote your message at the event eg, other stall holders. You could ask the MC to include your key messages in announcements over the PA system or maybe even wear a branded t-shirt.
- Find fun and interesting ways to promote your messages. This might be through a competition or even just a friendly conversation. Remember to plan something that your audience will relate to.
Examples of a local promotion
During the summer of 2014/15, a music festival in Mt Maunganui promoted the consumption of water (as an alternative to alcohol).
Find out about the Mt Maunganui event.
Te Hiringa Hauora has a range of resources that you can use. These resources are linked to the current campaign by using the same images and messages. Local promotions bring a campaign to life for key audiences because they can engage with it ‘right here, right now’.
Some resources can be borrowed but most of them are for you to keep. The merchandise is free but please think carefully about how it will be used so it is not wasted. More expensive items, like t-shirts, are best used by the people fronting the promotion, while cheaper items like coasters or stickers can be given away to act as a reminder of the message after the event is over.
Go to Not Beersies campaign resources
Department of Lost Nights campaign resources Digital Toolkit