Community Action Fund 2025
Objectives of the Fund
- Align with Government priorities including a social investment approach.
- Build skills by helping communities create and run activities to prevent alcohol harm.
- Enhance confidence by supporting communities so they can take care of their health and wellbeing with effective alcohol harm prevention activities.
- Encourage collaboration to drive community action that prevents alcohol harm.
- Focus on high-need populations to achieve positive outcomes for groups that have evidenced worse outcomes compared to others.
Available funding
Agreements will be awarded for one to two years depending on the need and scope of approved proposals. The funding will be distributed across two funding streams:
Stream 1: Catalyst grants
This funding stream supports innovative, smaller- scale, pilot projects, which have potential to be scaled up. We are looking for seeding projects that can grow into larger sustainable efforts, growing new community relationships, or building the capability of community organisations.
The funding amount is up to $50,000 whole-of-life.
The agreement term is a maximum of 1 year (depending on the need and scope).
Stream 2: Larger quantum contracts
This funding stream supports community organisations with experience in successfully implementing alcohol harm prevention projects. It aims to expand effective strategies, strengthen community relationships, and enhance organisational capabilities for sustainable impact.
The funding amount is up to $150,000 whole-of-life.
The agreement term is a maximum of 2 years (depending on the need and scope).
Who can apply for the Fund?
- Non-profit or charitable organisations, including non-government organisations, charitable trusts, marae trustees and iwi.
- Community organisations (incorporated or unincorporated) and collaborative networks working in alcohol harm prevention.
- Collaborative networks working in alcohol harm prevention.
What types of projects the Fund can (and can’t) be used for
- Alcohol harm prevention initiatives that empower communities to take preventative action and address the root causes and contributing factors of alcohol misuse.
- Local solutions that are grounded in the community and actively engage or work with communities.
- Initiatives that strengthen community capacity, confidence and capability.
- Projects that encourage community collaboration.
- Activities that focus on high-needs populations.
We are not looking for:
- Any activity related to drink driving counter measures.
- Projects that do not relate to alcohol harm prevention.
- Initiatives that focus on alcohol harm treatment and rehabilitation.
- Projects that do not align with the Fund's objectives and desired outcomes.
- Activities that are sports-related or based in sports settings.
- Projects where the focus is primarily on research.
Funding calendar
- Applications open on the Government Electronic Tender Service (GETS) website: 27 February 2025
- Applicants can ask questions through GETS: 27 February to 13 March 2025
- Responses to questions provided on GETS and this page: 20 March 2025
- Applications close: Midday 3 April 2025
- Successful applicants advised: 2 May 2025 (provisional)
- Unsuccessful applicants advised: 2 May 2025 (provisional)
- Contracts start date: 15 May 2025 (provisional)
How to apply
The Fund will be open for applications from Thursday, 27 February until midday Thursday, 3 April 2025 on the Government Electronic Tender Service (GETS) website.
This is a contestable procurement process. We welcome proposals from community organisations.
The application forms are available on the GETS website.
For more information and application forms, visit the GETS website or email
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