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Alcohol and its effects
Alcohol and its effects
About alcohol
Blood alcohol levels
What is alcohol?
Effects on populations
Children and families
Young people
Men and women
Older people
For health professionals
Alcohol and pregnancy
Support for communities
Support for communities
Digital toolkit — Department of Lost Nights
Don’t know? Don’t drink – Digital toolkit
Guides and information
Find people who can help
Models of change
Presenting a submission
Writing a submission
Complain about an alcohol ad
Influence your Local Alcohol Policy
Monitor alcohol promotions
Make a submission
Object to an alcohol licence
Run an alcohol-free event
Run a local promotion
Community Action Fund 2025
Management and laws
Management and laws
Administering alcohol law
District Licensing Committees (DLCs)
District Licensing Committee (DLC) network
Alcohol licensing and hearings: A guide for DLCs
Guidance for regulatory agencies
Alcohol licensing and hearings: a guide for regulatory agencies
Collaboration: a guide for regulatory agencies
Alcohol licensing infosheets
Licensing and local policies
Licensing bodies and regulatory agencies
Alcohol control bylaws
Alcohol licensing
Applying for a licence
Licence criteria
Objecting to a licence
Managers of licensed premises
District Licensing Committees
Managing alcohol
Alcohol in the workplace
Alcohol in clubs
Host responsibility
New Zealand alcohol laws
Using the standard drink icon
Background to alcohol drinking advice
Drinking and driving
Alcohol advertising and promotion
Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012
Age and the law
Research and publications
Research and publications
Licensing and alcohol impacts in residential neighbourhoods
Search for a resource or publication
Find a research publication
Where to find alcohol statistics
Alcohol research investment funding
Key facts about drinking in New Zealand
Publications and templates
Order hard copy resources
AlcoholNZ magazine
Ease Up newsletter
Our Stories ebook
Logos, templates and forms
Helpseekers’ - Yeah? or Nah?
Department of Lost Nights
Go the Distance
Not Beersies
Amohia Te Waiora
About us
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Alcohol and its effects
Alcohol and its effects
About alcohol
About alcohol
Blood alcohol levels
What is alcohol?
Effects on populations
Effects on populations
Children and families
Young people
Men and women
Older people
For health professionals
For health professionals
Alcohol and pregnancy
Support for communities
Support for communities
Digital toolkit — Department of Lost Nights
Don’t know? Don’t drink – Digital toolkit
Guides and information
Guides and information
Find people who can help
Models of change
Presenting a submission
Writing a submission
Complain about an alcohol ad
Influence your Local Alcohol Policy
Monitor alcohol promotions
Make a submission
Object to an alcohol licence
Run an alcohol-free event
Run a local promotion
Community Action Fund 2025
Management and laws
Management and laws
Administering alcohol law
Administering alcohol law
District Licensing Committees (DLCs)
District Licensing Committee (DLC) network
Excellence in decision making
Alcohol licensing and hearings: A guide for DLCs
Guidance for regulatory agencies
Alcohol licensing and hearings: a guide for regulatory agencies
Collaboration: a guide for regulatory agencies
Alcohol licensing infosheets
Licensing and local policies
Licensing and local policies
Licensing bodies and regulatory agencies
Alcohol control bylaws
Alcohol licensing
Applying for a licence
Licence criteria
Objecting to a licence
Managers of licensed premises
District Licensing Committees
Managing alcohol
Managing alcohol
Alcohol in the workplace
Alcohol in clubs
Host responsibility
New Zealand alcohol laws
New Zealand alcohol laws
Using the standard drink icon
Background to alcohol drinking advice
Drinking and driving
Alcohol advertising and promotion
Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012
Age and the law
Research and publications
Research and publications
Licensing and alcohol impacts in residential neighbourhoods
Search for a resource or publication
Find a research publication
Where to find alcohol statistics
Alcohol research investment funding
Key facts about drinking in New Zealand
Publications and templates
Publications and templates
Order hard copy resources
AlcoholNZ magazine
Ease Up newsletter
Our Stories ebook
Logos, templates and forms
Logos, templates and forms
Off-licensed premises - templates and forms
Helpseekers’ - Yeah? or Nah?
Department of Lost Nights
Go the Distance
Not Beersies
Not Beersies
Not Beersies is heresies resources
Amohia Te Waiora
About us
Research and publications
Information on our research publications and funding.
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Publications and templates
Find or order publications, resources, and campaign templates.
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Te Hiringa Hauora has run a variety of social marketing campaigns to reduce alcohol harm.
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